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OuR Portfolio
A selection of projects we've proudly completed for various clients
Avanti CIC
Enabling Digital Transition for Avanti CIC
A Comprehensive Web and CRM Solution:

In an era where digital presence is synonymous with accessibility and outreach, Social
Media24 endeavoured to enhance Avanti CIC’s quest in promoting mental health awareness and support in London. Avanti, a reputed non-profit organisation, underlines the
importance of mental health in daily life, rendering support through both group and
individual sessions. They extend their expertise to various organisations, fostering a culture
of well-being amongst staff through tailored programs.

Recognising Avanti’s noble cause and its pivotal role in community welfare, Social Media24 orchestrated a comprehensive digital solution encompassing a user-friendly, dynamic website alongside a robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system.

The website, now a digital doorway, exhibits an intuitive interface, making it facile for
individuals and professionals from various organisations to navigate through the various
programs. It not only enables seamless online registration but also allows for referrals of
individuals needing mental health support. A cornerstone feature is the implementation of a GDPR compliant database, entwined within a comprehensive CRM solution. This complete digital transformation not only adheres to GDPR guidelines but significantly streamlines Avanti’s administrative processes, ensuring the paramountcy of data privacy and security whilst aligning with the stringent regulatory requisites.

Delving deeper into operational efficacy, the intricately designed CRM amalgamates an
inbuilt reporting solution, streamlining the administrative processes whilst providing
insightful analytics. This technological augmentation significantly enhanced the tracking,
engagement and overall service delivery, paving the way for Avanti to further its outreach
and impact in the community.

The synergy between Avanti CIC and Social Media24 has flourished over a span of eight
years, a testament to the latter’s adeptness in delivering tailored digital solutions. Avanti’s
unwavering loyalty echoes the efficacy and reliability of the systems implemented,
rendering them better equipped to navigate the manifold dimensions of mental health

This collaborative endeavour elucidates Social Media24’s capability in transcending client
expectations, whilst significantly contributing to the amelioration of mental health services
in London. Through enabling a robust digital infrastructure, we’re not only elevating Avanti’s operational efficacy but also amplifying their pivotal message of mental health awareness and support across a broader spectrum.

Tailored Digital Revamp for ASK Accountants
A Synthesis of Aesthetics and Functionality:

Nestled in the serene locale of South West London, ASK Accountants stands as a beacon of
professional diligence and credible accounting services. With an eye towards harnessing the digital realm to enhance their client engagement and online presence, they enlisted the
expertise of Social Media24 to craft a bespoke website that would serve as a dynamic digital

Our collaboration commenced with a thorough assimilation of ASK Accountants’ core
values, their distinguished clientele, and the accounting prowess they are renowned for. The project journey began with a bespoke design phase, meticulously tailored to encapsulate the unique ethos of ASK Accountants. Upon their approval of the design, every strand of code was handcrafted from scratch, ensuring a unique and compelling digital platform that epitomised the essence of ASK Accountants’ brand. This bespoke approach ensured a smooth transition from conceptualisation to a fully realised digital interface, embodying the professional stature and client-centric ethos of ASK Accountants.

The fruition of this collaborative endeavour was a custom-designed website, embodying a
perfect blend of modern aesthetics and functional ease. The intuitive navigation, coupled
with a professional layout, now facilitates effortless user interactions whilst succinctly
portraying ASK Accountants’ proficiency and credibility.

As a testament to the quality and precision embedded in our work, the camaraderie
between ASK Accountants and Social Media24 has gracefully matured over seven years.
Their continual return to us for digital expertise articulates not just satisfaction but a
professional alliance founded on reliability and mutual growth.

This successful digital transition not only amplified ASK Accountants’ online visibility but also solidified their stature as a modern, client-centric accountancy firm, ready to thrive amidst London’s competitive financial panorama. Through meticulous design and development, Social Media24 helped etch the digital footprint of ASK Accountants, a journey adorned with precision, trust, and reciprocal success.

ASK Accountants
Studio BKWL
Crafting a Digital Gallery for Studio BKWL
A Voyage from Vision to Virtual Reality:

Nestled in the quaint city of Southampton, Studio BKWL represents the artistic endeavours
of David, an aspiring photographer with a profound love for water and ships. His lens
beautifully captures the majestic allure of vessels, alongside the structured elegance of
architectural marvels. With a desire to share his visual stories with a wider audience, David
envisioned a digital gallery, a place where like-minded enthusiasts could meander through
his collections and appreciate the confluence of nature and structure.

Entrusted with this vision, Social Media24 embarked on a journey to translate David’s
physical portfolio into a digital spectacle. Leveraging a template-based design approach, we carefully curated a website that resonated with the essence of Studio BKWL, yet providing a streamlined navigation for visitors. The customised Content Management System (CMS) enabled David to effortlessly manage his growing portfolio while retaining the simplicity and accessibility he desired.

The intuitive design now allows visitors to traverse through David’s maritime and
architectural explorations, fostering a community of enthusiasts and casual admirers alike.
With three years into this digital partnership, David continues to find his support and query
resolution with Social Media24, a testament to the enduring relationship we strive to
maintain with our clients.

Each query, each requirement, and each passing year strengthens our resolve to provide
unwavering support, ensuring Studio BKWL’s digital gallery remains an inviting, inspiring
space for all who appreciate the beauty captured through David’s lens. Through this
endeavour, Social Media24 is proud to have navigated Studio BKWL from a nascent digital
vision to a thriving online photography abode.

Bridging Cultural Experiences
A Multilingual Web Solution for ESSS:

Errico’s Student Support Services (ESSS) has been a harmonious blend of familial ethos and an unwavering commitment to fostering linguistic and cultural exchanges between students in the United Kingdom and abroad. What burgeoned as a humble family-run endeavour catering to Italian school groups, has flourished into a reputable company, extending its educational embrace to individuals and large groups alike, eager to immerse in the English language and British culture.

In the stride towards digitalisation, ESSS partnered with Social Media24, seeking a website
that could eloquently resonate with their Italian roots while reaching out to a global audience. The objective was clear: a template-based, bilingual website that would serve as a digital gateway for English and Italian speakers alike.

Social Media24, with a penchant for precision and client satisfaction, meticulously crafted a
multilingual website, transitioning the essence of ESSS into a digital platform accessible in
both English and Italian. With every section translated and curated to perfection, and the
content meticulously vetted by the bilingual Errico family, the website now stands as a
seamless portal for students and educators spanning continents.

This endeavour not only digitalised the noble vision of ESSS but also transcended language
barriers, ensuring that the linguistic and cultural odyssey it offers could reach hearts beyond borders. The satisfaction echoed by the Errico family post-project completion, reinforced the success of this digital venture, adding yet another contented client to the Social Media24 chronicle. Through this project, Social Media24 once again affirmed its prowess in delivering tailor-made digital solutions, embodying client visions with a touch of digital finesse.

Mazar Take Away
Digitising Delectables
A Culinary Web Revamp for Mazar Kebab & Pizza:

Situated amidst the lively vibes of Merton High Street in Wimbledon, Mazar Kebab & Pizza has been a haven for traditional kebab and pizza aficionados. In a digital era where online presence is synonymous with accessibility, they envisioned a modern, dynamic website paired with a comprehensive online ordering system to further entice the local food
enthusiasts and provide them with a seamless ordering experience.

Answering this culinary digital call was Social Media24, tasked with not just creating a
website, but an online extension of Mazar’s aromatic and bustling kitchen. With meticulous design, development, and a sprinkle of digital zest, we crafted a state-of-the-art website that encapsulates the hearty essence and aesthetic appeal of Mazar’s offerings. The easy-to- navigate online ordering system now serves as a digital queue of hungry patrons, while the intuitive Content Management System (CMS) empowers the Mazar team to effortlessly update prices, manage menu changes, and keep the food fervour fresh and engaging.

Alongside, a robust database design and management system was orchestrated to ensure
smooth operations, a seamless customer interface, and a steady flow of the mouth-
watering fare from the fiery grills of Mazar to the doorsteps of awaiting customers.

The satisfaction of Mazar Kebab & Pizza with our delivered solution was not just a testimony to our technical and creative prowess, but a gratifying addition to our journey in
augmenting local businesses with digital wings. This project, blending tradition with
modernity, flavours with pixels, and craftsmanship with code, stands as a delightful chapter
in Social Media24’s portfolio. Through this engagement, Mazar Kebab & Pizza’s culinary delights found a new digital avenue, while Social Media24 found a very satisfied client in a bustling corner of Wimbledon.

Digital Spice
Cultivating an Online Oasis for House of Spice

Perched at the junction of Wimbledon and Ryne’s Park, House of Spice is a haven for
aficionados of traditional Indian culinary delights. Its extensive menu of rich curries,
aromatic rice dishes, freshly baked breads, and sizzling grills has been a sensory voyage for
locals. However, to spice up their digital presence and offer a seamless online ordering
experience to their patrons, they sought the expertise of Social Media24.

Our journey began with the meticulous crafting of a bespoke website that mirrors the warm
and inviting ambiance of House of Spice. The custom-designed site now serves as a digital
gateway, enticing food lovers with visually appealing imagery and easy navigation through
their sumptuous menu.

To seamlessly meld the dining and digital experience, Social Media24 engineered a robust
online ordering system. This system, integrated smoothly within the website, offers
customers a straightforward process to select, order, and anticipate their favourite meals
from the comfort of their homes.

At the heart of this digital revival was also the formulation of a comprehensive database,
making menu updates, price adjustments and order management a breeze for the House of
Spice team. The intuitive Content Management System (CMS) we installed, now empowers
them to manage the dynamic demands of their growing clientele effortlessly.

The delight of the House of Spice team post-project mirrors the satisfaction of their
customers enjoying a hot paneer tikka or a creamy chicken korma ordered with ease
through the new online portal. The fusion of culinary tradition with modern digital solutions by Social Media24 has not only satiated the digital appetite of House of Spice but forged a relationship seasoned with trust, expertise, and a zest for continuous innovation.

House of Spice
Pizza Fiamma
Savouring Digital Transformation
A Robust Web Ensemble for Pizza Fiaama:

In the heart of Wimbledon’s Merton High Street, Pizza Fiamma has been serving a delicious slice of Italy to the local denizens. As times digitise, so does the appetite for an effortless culinary encounter. Pizza Fiamma envisaged a digital facelift  a modern, dynamic website coupled with an intuitive online ordering system, encompassing an underlying robust database for a seamless operational flow.

Entrusted with this digital overhaul, Social Media24 took to the task with an artisanal blend
of tech-savvy and creative zest. Our quest was to echo the warm, inviting aroma of Italian
pizza through a digital platform that’s as inviting as the meals Pizza Fiamma crafts.

Our solution unravelled into a state-of-the-art website that now serves as the virtual face of
Pizza Fiamma, embodying its homely yet contemporary spirit. The meticulously designed
online ordering system is a breeze for customers, offering them a simplified journey from
menu browsing to check-out. Behind the scenes, an intuitive Content Management System
(CMS) facilitates seamless updates on prices, menu alterations and promotions,
empowering Pizza Fiamma to keep their digital presence as fresh as their delightful pizzas.

At the nucleus of this digital ensemble was a robust database design and management
system ensuring a smooth transition of orders from click to kitchen to doorstep. Each line of
code, each design element, carefully curated, resonated with the authenticity and warmth
Pizza Fiamma holds at its core.

The effervescent response from the Pizza Fiamma team upon unveiling the digital platform
was a testament to our holistic approach, translating their physical essence into a digital
realm with ease and precision. This project not only stands as a testament to Social
Media24’s adeptness in digital craftsmanship but a delicious journey from traditional
hospitality to modern-day digital convenience, bringing smiles, one online order at a time.